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Wednesday, 17 April 2013

It seems to me that we are privileged to live in this day and time when mankind has made such strides in all areas of human endeavor - arts, science and technology. True, we seem a little low on the human side and there seems to be a declining trend and this is exactly where if one wants to make a difference to the world , each one of us can do it in our own humble way without waiting for a major revolution; by being in it and yet be out of it -by just standing up for what is right, by not yielding to pressure in our simple dealings in day to day life. By spreading smiles , compassion and care around. 
Or like Emily Dickenson puts is: 
If I can stop one heart from breaking, 
I shall not live in vain; 
If I can ease one life the aching, 
Or cool one pain, 
Or help one fainting robin 
Unto his nest again, 
I shall not live in vain. 

Hi there, I'm a Teacher and this is my blog.I live in Jaipur and have a son named Pranav.

I had been thinking about blogging for a while, I always wanted to write my own blog, but for lack of time, I never did, until now.

As I begin, I am aware of some ways this blog could benefit me. For example, I have already drafted several posts, and I just really enjoy the process of articulating thoughts and trying to do so in a way that I hope will resonate with others. But my deep hope is that this blog will help you. I hope to be more serious about this one with an initial goal to post twice a week. What would knock my socks off is if this space became a gathering place for a community of people who helped and supported one another on the creative journey.

To start, my focus will be foretold:
-          posting books. I hope to share some books and my views that others find helpful, from my collections.
-          Articles. I too wish to share some of my Articles about teaching English and other helpful resources from my collection. 
And of course I want to write some awesome content that is useful to people! If there is something in particular you’d like me to write about, do let me know.
Thanks to all of you who check in on this blog. Keep the comments coming! I’ll keep trying to be helpful to you, and we’ll see where the journey takes us.