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Monday, 19 May 2014


We all cherish our school days. It is definitely fun to be in a class full of enjoyment and mischievous activities. The backbencher's generally have their own private and parallel life going on, as the front bencher's seem to be busy learning from the teacher about some weird species. Those in the middle are generally engaged in some silent unknown endeavors. But in such a class, a teacher has to go through a tough time. If you are a teacher, you know it better! If you shout or act strict with children, then you become a 'bad' teacher, and if you don't, the chaos continues. So, what is the solution for this vicious problem? Why do you think you liked certain teachers and hated the others. If you analyze properly, you will realize that your favorite teacher tried some really good ideas. These ideas helped your teacher manage your class efficiently without being strict and dominating. This article shares some ideas with you, so that you can handle the class of little naughty nuts without losing their innocence.

Before coming up with any strategies, it is advisable to understand the behavior of the students. And for this, it is essential that you consider the age group of the children, and know about certain characteristics associated with this age group. Preschool management ideas would certainly be different from high school ones. Some basic knowledge about child psychology and human behavior would help you draft a good plan, so that you can handle the kids effectively. Given below are some of the effective techniques that you can try in your class. 

Keep the Fun Quotient Alive 
This is one of the basic skills. It is important for you to make the class interesting, by using entertaining teaching methods. You must know that the average attention span of children is twenty minutes, and one class generally lasts for forty-five minutes, which is too much for the kids. But, you also have to complete the stipulated portion, so turning learning into a fun activity is the only option you are left with. When children are having fun learning, they would hardly feel like doing anything mischievous again.

Elicit Participation 
This is again an important aspect of classroom management and discipline maintenance. Generally, what teachers do is, they go on lecturing about a particular topic, and students get extremely bored. This is when they are tempted to do something disruptive to disturb the class and attract attention. If you come up with an effective teaching strategy, wherein all those that are given an equal opportunity to opine, participate, or contribute to the teaching topic, it can make them feel counted and valued. Apart from this, they would always look for new details to share with the class. 

The Indiscipline Child
This is one of the tricky factors for sure. Many teachers make the biggest mistake of shouting and yelling at a misbehaving student in front of the entire class. You must understand that these are the formative days of children, when they are not only developing physically, but emotionally as well. By insulting them in such a way, you can hurt their sentiments, which generally results in continuous irresponsible, uncaring, and disrespectful behavior. You must let the students know that their misbehavior will not be tolerated, but do it indirectly or subtly. A stern glance at a misbehaving student is sometimes more than enough to make your point. If not, talk to that particular pupil about what you expect, but after the class is over, and in person. Don't you think that these ideas are better than shouting?

Planning and Executing the Rules
It's important that classroom rules should be regulated voluntarily. The problem arises when the teacher starts imposing rules and regulations on the students. Instead, an easier way would be to hand over the responsibility to the students themselves. You can appoint class monitors, attendance monitors, and other heads for each of the different activities. But make sure that you keep rotating the responsibilities, so that every student gets a chance to be a leader, and that they take the responsibility. Apart from maintaining the decorum of the class, this helps in channelizing the energies of children in something constructive, and also instills in them leadership skills.

Given below are some more tips that you must keep in mind while implementing any management techniques:

  • Treat all the students equally by being impartial and non-judgmental.
  • Positive reinforcement in the classroom is also essential.
  • Do not engage in physical punishments, threatening, and shouting at them.
  • Make sure that all the rules and regulations are followed by everyone, including you.
  • Prepare well in advance to make the class educational as well as interesting.
  • Avoid negative remarks or negative symbols in the classroom. For example, say, 'do this' instead of 'don't do this'.
  • Be the inspiration for the students, by being a change that you want to see.
  • These tips will surely help you execute all the ideas effectively. It will also help you provide the children with a positive and inspiring atmosphere for learning. These ideas will also help you form a good relationship with your students. It allows you to be firm, yet very friendly and supportive towards them. So, start implementing these ideas from today, and become an ideal teacher for your students, who will remember you for the rest of their lives.

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